Healthiest Climate in Europe

 The beneficial health effects of the micro-climate of salt have been known for centuries.

 What effects do you get from salt therapy?

  • Relieve from chronic pulmonary diseases (asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis).
  • Relieve from allergies affecting ENT (ear- nose-throat) and diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
  • Abatement of bronchial inflammation.
  • Removal of airborne pollen particles from airways.
  • Strengthening of immune system that decreases allergic reaction to pollens.
  • Cleansing and sanitation of the airways.
  • Speed up mucociliary transport.
  • Improvement of heart and vascular problems (especially in combination with lung diseases).
  • Cleansing of airways from harmful airborne and tobacco smoke particles.
  • Prevention and treatment of common cold and flu.
  • Improvement of dermatological disorders (acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, and cellulite).
  • Revitalization and cleansing effect on the skin - through increased activity of skin cell ion channels.
  • Abatement of vegetative nervous system disorders.
  • Relieve from chronicle fatigue over strain and depression.
  • Better sleep.
  • Elimination of snoring.